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Property & Construction

The construction sector is a particularly appealing target to malicious actors. This is due to the myriad of third-party suppliers used, horde of personal data being collected, and the large sums of money involved in construction projects.

A large proportion of economic growth comes down to property and construction. What motivates an attack in this industry is often financial gain, carried out by organized crime groups that are opportunistic in nature.

Supply Chain Attack
Supply Chain Attack

Cyber-attacks on suppliers can be just as damaging as attacks on your own business. Along with physical delivery of materials, machinery, and labour, there is also the exchange of digital information, like email providers and accounting software companies. Know who your suppliers are, and how they operate. 

Credential Theft
Credential Theft

Employees reuse credential details, such as passwords, for multiple accounts. When a breach is made, this makes it relatively easy for an attack to access multiple accounts/networks at a time. Multifactor authentication methods are vital, to reduce the chance of data breaches.

Social Engineering
Social Engineering

Social engineering methods are used to con people into providing information. This is done by taking advantage of a person’s emotional responses. Many employees are not trained to look for such attacks, and are often unaware of their part in an attack.

keeping the property and construction sector secure - infographic

Effective security always comes down to three key elements. Processes, People and Technology. All elements are equally important, and you must have all three to ensure an enhanced cyber security posture.

  1. Processes must run seamlessly alongside the organisation.
  2. Security experts must have the capability to detect, react and understand the context of a risk.
  3. Technology must be superior, to keep up with cyber threats.

95% of Breaches in Construction are Down to Web Application and Crimeware Attacks…

To remediate your specific security needs, see our full range of services here.

User Behaviour Analytics (UBA)
User Behaviour Analytics (UBA)

Using ML algorithms, categorise patterns of user behaviour, to understand what constitutes normal behaviour, and to detect abnormal activity. The action and user is given a risk score based on their activity, patterns and time.

Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

Visualise and understand malicious or anomalous activity. Analyse, prioritise, and respond to threats in rapid time. Safeguard data, high-risk individuals, employees, and processes.

Threat & Risk Intelligence (TRI)
Threat & Risk Intelligence (TRI)

View, monitor, prioritise and analyse all digital elements of your organisation, including Internet, applications, systems, cloud, and hardware. Harvest information from the Dark Web, Deep Web, and public domain for complete visibility.


Free Consultation

To reduce your risk of attacks, secure data, and to learn how to identify threats targeting the industry, book a free consultation with a security expert.


Get in Touch. Talk with one of our experts today.

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