Understand the Cyber Threat Landscape,
Backed by Data
Developments in Phishing Campaigns
Phishing email remains a prevalent and effective method used by cybercriminals as an initial access tool, highlighting its significance as a common entry point for adversaries.
Business Context & Security Trends
Banking and Financial services sector received the highest number of advisories throughout the quarter. Food production emerged as a new entrant this quarter, indicating a growing focus on cyber security within the food and agriculture industry.
Data Analytics & Threat Identification - Leverage Data Analytics
Out of the top 5 Alerts, Exposed Credentials accounted for 57% of these.
SHQ Underground
Listen to Priyanka, Aaron, and Mohsin as they discuss in detail the Q1 Global Threat Insight report, to examine the trends over the past three months, highlighting how certain types of attacks have evolved or remained consistent, and steps to put in place to enhance security measures.