

Many retailers are getting left behind in the developing threat landscape. Aggressive Ransomware, DNS attacks and data breaches are notorious across the majority of ecommerce sites and retail stores of every size and in every vertical.

Security attacks within the retail sector have always been prominent. But due to COVID-19, and our changes of living whereby the majority of us shop online, this year retail has seen a surge in cyber-attacks within online premises.


Everyone is susceptible to a phishing attack. But phishing emails within the retail sector are well-crafted and it takes a trained eye to spot the genuine from the fake. From phishing attacks comes ransomware, which can destroy a whole business in minutes.

Customer Journey Hijacking

Hackers place unauthorised ads in browsers and websites and direct visitors to alternative products/sites and redirect to competing sites or unsafe sites containing malware. Through this malicious malware, phishing scams and ransom attacks are prevalent.

Web Application Attacks

Web attacks breach company payment applications, and install malicious malware or code, to steal personal information, including bank details and private data. Companies without adequate security procedures are the most susceptible.

keeping the retail sector secure - infographic

Effective security always comes down to three key elements. Processes, people and technology.

Given that this industry controls a vast majority of complex and critical infrastructure and holds a wealth of data, the impact of a successful attack is not only significant, but far-reaching. Processes must run seamlessly alongside the organisation. Security experts must have the capability to detect, react and understand the context of a risk. And the technology must be superior, to keep up with cyber threats. All elements are equally as important, and you must have all three to ensure security.

Do you meet data protection policy standards? If not, why not?

To remediate your specific security needs, see our full range of services here.

Managed Endpoint Protection (EPP)
Managed Endpoint Protection (EPP)

Gain complete visibility of all your endpoints. Monitor all communications, from low-level activity to malicious threats, and identify and respond to all elements targeting your endpoints.

Threat & Risk Intelligence (TRI)
Threat & Risk Intelligence (TRI)

View, monitor, prioritise and analyse all digital elements of your organisation, including Internet, applications, systems, cloud, and hardware. Harvest information from the Dark Web, Deep Web, and public domain for complete security and visibility.

Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

Visualise and understand malicious or anomalous activity. Analyse, prioritise, and respond to threats in rapid time. Safeguard data, high-risk individuals, employees, and processes.


Free Consultation

Have a free consultation with a security expert to reduce your digital footprint, stop customer journey hijacking from stealing your clients, reduce web application attacks and identify phishing threats before it’s too late.


Get in Touch. Talk with one of our experts today.

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