In response to a recent attack against Hackney Council, and after observing a recent and sudden increase in ransomware attacks across the globe, and in every vertical, “SecurityHQ’s Zero Trust x40” is a list of simple, inexpensive and common-sense mitigations that seek to break the adversarial tactics required to successfully orchestrate an enterprise wide ransomware attack, including Initial Access, Privilege Escalation, Lateral Movement and Exfiltration.
This paper includes:
40 recommendations to help organisations safeguard against threats, both future and current.
Reasonings behind each recommendation, with real-life examples and analysis of recent ransomware threats.
An exploration of the cruciality of “asymmetrical warfare” and an evaluation of the future threat landscape.
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Replay a sophisticated ransomware attack, you will develop a sense of regrettable respect for the ingenuity involved.
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